Cool Things You Could Win at AAC this Weekend
Check out these awesome baskets we will be selling raffle tickets for this weekend at AnotherAnimeCon. The Otaku Snack Bucket of Fun contains all sorts of goodies for your snacking enjoyment, and some fan-favorite soda to wash them down. It really has something for everyone.
Then there’s our one of a kind Aperture lemon basket – straight from Aperture Laboratories, it includes Aperture Brand Oral Hydrate Drink, Aperture Brand lemonade, some lemon cups and bottles, and 3 safety signs.
Raffle tickets are $1.00 each, or seven tickets for $5.00. ?You can buy tickets at First Aid HQ outside of the Dealers Room. All proceeds will go directly to our core mission so we can continue helping nerds in times of need.?NOTE: Per New Hampshire state law we cannot sell raffle tickets to people under 16.