Gearing up for ConnectiCon and Readercon

Nerds Helping Nerds in Times of Need

Gearing up for ConnectiCon and Readercon

1063713_393739804063913_1385885307_o ConnectiCon and Readercon are almost upon us for the third year in a row. ConnectiCon is one of the largest events Operation Hammond does, and historically, our busiest based on the number of attendees aided and assisted. Last year alone, we helped over 500 people, with everything ranging from minor cuts and scrapes to an issue that could have proved life-threatening had we not been in attendance.

Readercon is one of the most celebrated conventions devoted to “imaginative literature”, literary science fiction and pop culture books. Last year, the attendees of Readercon raised over 1,200 dollars for us. That money was instrumental in obtaining key equipment so we can help nerds in times of need.

This is the one weekend out of the year where we will have over 18 members of Operation Hammond in two states at two major conventions. Just about every piece of gear and equipment we own is going to be on-site at ConnectiCon and Readercon.

Over the course of the past two years, we’ve developed an excellent working relationship with the convention center nurses, whom we work closely with during ConnectiCon. We have also had several people volunteer and go on to become members of Operation Hammond after first meeting or hearing about us at ConnectiCon and ReaderCon.


Where to find us if you need First Aid:

At ConnectiCon we will have a dedicated First Aid station on the second floor of the Marriott opposite the main ballroom. In the Hilton our First Aid station will be near the coat check on the third floor. In the convention center you can find First Aid services on the main floor near the ATM and bathrooms.

Operation Hammond